Nestled in the heart of Maharashtra, Morachi Chincholi, a quaint village located about 55 kilometers from Pune, is renowned for its unique charm and natural beauty. Often referred to as the "Peacock Village," Morachi Chincholi lives up to its name, offering visitors the rare experience of observing peacocks in their natural habitat. This village is a perfect blend of nature, culture, and rural life, making it an ideal destination for eco-tourists and nature enthusiasts.
The village's name, Morachi Chincholi, translates to "a village of tamarind trees and peafowls," and it is not an exaggeration. The village is home to hundreds of peacocks, which can be seen wandering freely, adding to the area's scenic beauty. The villagers have a deep respect for these majestic birds and have taken several measures to create a sanctuary-like environment for them. The harmonious coexistence of humans and peafowls here is a testament to the villagers' commitment to wildlife conservation.