Kerafen is a groundbreaking treatment for toenail fungus, designed with a unique focus on addressing the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the persistence and resistance of fungal infections. Recent scientific research has unveiled the critical role of biofilm in toenail fungus infections—a protective barrier formed by the fungus that significantly impedes treatment efforts.Biofilm is a dense, protective layer created by fungi to shield themselves from external threats, including treatments. This biofilm makes the fungus more resilient, allowing it to evade typical antifungal treatments and persist despite regular hygiene practices. Traditional methods, such as washing with soap and water, often fail to penetrate this biofilm, leading to ineffective treatment and recurring infections.Kerafen has been meticulously developed to target and disrupt this biofilm, offering a more effective approach to treating toenail fungus. The product harnesses the power of 15 handpicked natural ingredients, each chosen for their ability to interact with and break down the biofilm. By disrupting this protective barrier, Kerafen enhances the efficacy of the treatment, allowing the active ingredients to reach the fungus more effectively and eradicate it from the toenail. gal growth.